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Monday, June 1, 2009


Ugh, what a month...school and work...and repeat. I started my math class which is a bit of a challenge...(cause ya'll know I'm sooo good at math...) but I am keeping my head high. Work, has been interesting...(considering we have no air conditioning at the moment...)but again..I am keeping my head high. I am so thankful that God has opened doors for me though and allowed me the opportunity to get back into school. I must apologize to my friends who I have put on the back burner though. Im sorry I am not always where I need to be. I hope that you are all doing well, and I pray for you all daily. God is definately showing me my strengths..and challenging me in ways I need to be challenged. I do not always feel like the woman of God I should be, or the woman I am striving to be. Sometimes i am stubborn, and try to take the reigns myself. Its not that I forget God is in control, but I try to get one step ahead...and we all know...there is no getting ahead of God. He lays the path out for me, not I or anyone else. I do try to see the glory in each day, and take joy in the little things. I see God in so many things, sunny skies, babies smiles, friends laughter, good music, cooking while Nina Simone plays in the background, cups of tea, porches, and good books. I take comfort in these little joys. I want to be good soil. I want be a grounded, strong, passionate woman of God! I love you all and I miss u!

1 comment:

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

Hey girl! Thanks for posting! Glad to know you are okay.