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Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Princess Diaries and Fellowship

Hey all, I had a wonderful day at church, and a great time hanging out with Michelle and the little man. Michelle made me a wonderful lunch, and we watched The Princess Diaries. Great girl time :) God definately spoke to me this morning. Nothing matters, nothing but accepting the Lord as my savior! He continues to show me joy everyday! I am so thankful :)


Michelle said...

i had a blast with you!

Jenn said...

so i loved getting to talk to you on skype the other day so much. It was such a HUGE blessing to me. I am so excited that we can talk now. I am praying that you have a fabulous week. Sorry we got cut off.. such is third world country skyping.. by the way-- laughed my head off at the high school picture. hilarious. Kindred spirits then also... but what was i wearing?