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Saturday, February 14, 2009

God is sooo great!

This morning during breakfast, mom and I were just chatting in the kitchen when she mentioned that she was thinking about going to a baptist church! I invited her to Westview with me on Sunday and she said she will think about it. God is definately working on her heart, and answering prayer!!!! Please continue to pray for my parents, I hope that God will move in their hearts and lives :)


Michelle said...

glory glory glory!

Jenn said...

THat is so exciting sister. wow.. we have prayed for that for many years huh! I know you have been through some hard times in the past year, but it is so good to read about how God is redeeming them. He is such a redeeming God. Did i mention how excited I am that you are back in our lives.. and that I cannot wait until we get to have coffee and go to the park together. I love the picture that you put up of you and alex